CereTax P2P

CereTax P2P has the unique ability to interpret subjective data found within purchase transactions through a logical and intuitive Rules Engine to locate and correct use tax overpayments and underpayments.

Analyze Your Tax On Purchases
with CereTax Core Features  

Tax Decisions Explained

Explanations for taxability decisions along with statute and citation references are available at a transaction level right through the web portal.

Advanced Rules Engine

Intuitive rules engine handles custom data management needs such as tax determinations, tax overrides and custom tables.

Precise Tax Assignments

Pinpoint accuracy with our industry first, proprietary GIS method – even for remote locations!

Robust Reporting & Analytics

Centralized reporting across all business units with search capabilities rather than static fields.

CereTax Solves Taxation for Purchases


Continually optimize your configurations based on transaction throughput

CereTax P2P gets smarter over time. The more transactions it sees, the more informed it becomes. 

Yesterday’s transactions form the basis for today’s tax rule configurations.


Accurately situs your transactions

Minimize ERP customization by deriving location identifiers using available attributes via robust rules engine.

Graphic Information System (GIS) analyzes and displays geographically referenced data attached to each jurisdiction.

Jurisdictions are layered around a pinpoint location to accurately display the boundaries of each authority.


Analyze results to provide guidance to make your workflow smarter

More than a tax calculation platform, CereTax provides robust data analytics tools and integrated data analytics with tax configurations.


Granular visibility into all your transactions and the ability to drill down into the details

Audit Management is centralized through the CereTax platform.

Every transaction can be traced to source data with references to specific authoritative research – statutes, rules, regulations, hearings, letter rulings, etc.


Ensure accurate general ledger entries are generated for use tax accruals

Use tax accrual entries are generated from the same source and feature as compliance output to minimize reconciliation effort.


Provide reporting output to support analysis, audits, and compliance

Flexible report templates enable you to generate output quickly and accurately. You can also create your own report templates for specific uses.

CereTax P2P Solution Workflow


Integrate / Communicate

In milliseconds CereTax receives and returns the information to the purchasing (PO/AP) platform.  In addition to a real time API call, a secondary batch upload can provided an increased level of accuracy.


What Data / Mapping

CereTax sends the relevant information back to the purchasing platform or ERP and stores the necessary data for reporting.


Managing Results

Tax Variances - the difference between the tax that a vendor charges and the tax that CereTax calculates - represents a key objective of P2P. Identifying where vendors are over charging or undercharging tax is simple and intuitive.


Reporting & analytics, updating GL, compliance, audit protection

Reporting and analytics information is stored at the transaction level for detailed interactive reports for internal use and audit support.

Revolutionizing Purchase-side Tax Analytics


Most sales and use tax errors occur on purchases, CereTax gives you tax certainty so you don't worry about dealing with:

  • Recovery fees on underpaid taxes.
  • Lost opportunity costs from overpayments.
  • Managing an audit alongside the penalties and interest that come with it.
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Accuracy is two-fold: the actual tax rate itself and the geolocation of the rate where it applies. With our in-house research staff, comprised of accountants and JD's, we track all changes down to the citation for every taxable jurisdiction in the US and Canada to ensure all tax rates are accurate and constantly updated in the platform.

Maintaining and updating geocodes is a thing of the past. With our industry first, proprietary GIS method for pinpoint accuracy you can:

  • Situs remote locations for taxes.
  • Allocate taxes across multiple jurisdictions for physical equipment, pipelines, or other real property.
  • Benefit from latitude and longitude levels of precision.
See why this matters to you

When it comes to indirect tax, we've got you covered

CereTax and our world class network of partners can solve all your business tax challenges. From sales, to tax on purchases, exemption management, registrations and compliance, we can handle it all.

Need an intelligent tax platform?

Have a general sales tax question?